Showing 85–96 of 122 results

Joc EduScience – Micul Inginer – 53 Piese

Cu acest set de construcție motorizat, copiii pot asambla diferite structuri, care apoi pot fi puse în mișcare cu ajutorul

Joc EduScience – Micul Inginer – 53 Piese

Cu acest set de construcție motorizat, copiii pot asambla diferite structuri, care apoi pot fi puse în mișcare cu ajutorul

Joc Laboratorul de săruri și bombe de baie – Joc educativ EduScience

Toata lumea adora bombele de baie! Copiii pot crea acum propriile bombe de baie luxoase si splendid mirositoare, investigand stiinta

Joc Micul Magician 30 – Joc interactiv de trucuri de magie

Vei deveni micul maestru al magiei, care uimeste si amuza pe toata lumea cu trucuri misterioase, scamatorii iscusite, farse ilare

Learning Game – Colours and Shapes

Children can now learn colours and shapes in an intuitive way with the Colours and Shapes set from the Let’s

Learning Game – The Clock

Children can now learn how the analogue clock works with this educational and interactive game that develops observation, attention and

Learning Game – The Singing Game

Children can playfully learn to calculate and balance the scales by adding and removing different weights. The game contains a

Learning Game – Wild and Domestic Animals – Small Box

With the Let’s Learn games, children can learn the basics through play, discovering the correct combinations of puzzle pieces. The

Let’s learn the Numbers

An instructive, engaging and fun toy that stimulates identification skills and associative thinking, while developing logic and insight as children

Little Magician Game – Set 50

You will become the little master of magic who amazes and amuses everyone with mysterious tricks, clever tricks, hilarious pranks

Logic Games – Learning with Brumi

The game contains a variety of exercises designed to develop children’s drawing skills and sense of colour. Some parts of

Logic Games – Learning with Fido

The game contains a variety of exercises designed to develop children’s drawing skills and sense of colour. Some parts of