EduScience Game – Private Detective

A magnificent set for performing incredible tricks: camouflage, stealth vision and investigation, investigator optics research, cryptographic spying, anamorphic messaging. You

EduScience Game – Puppy Academy

Find out how smart your puppy is, how he does on the intelligence and memory tests included in the set

EduScience Game – Roman Sundial

Are you curious? Are you ready to discover the world of archaeology? Let the excavation begin! Find the hidden pieces

Eduscience Game – Solar Boat

Discover the amazing world of solar energy! Assemble the solar boat, place it in a pot of water and put

Eduscience Game – Solar Robot 3 in 1

Are you curious? Discover the magnificent world of science! Learn, experiment and build simple and fast models with solar technology!

Eduscience Game – Solar Train

Esti o fire curioasa? Descopera lumea magnifica a stiintei! Invata, experimenteaza construind simplu si rapid modele cu tehnologie solara!

EduScience Game – The Machine of the Future

Build yourself a state-of-the-art car. Just drip salt water in the car and see how it moves. It’s genius: the

EduScience Game – Triops Aqua Park

Grow prehistoric crustaceans with TRIOPS AQUA PARC. Set up a water park for dinosaur-age creatures that look like aliens! The

Electronic circuits

Is your child passionate about the world of electronics and would you like him/her to learn more through fun experiments?

Fizica distractivă – Joc educativ

Fizica distractiva lanseaza o actiune super-elastica! Copiii pot crea acum propriile colectii de mingi hiper-saltarete si pot sa le lanseze