Showing 61–72 of 262 results

Baby Puzzle – Farm Animals

Made of 4 mm cardboard, the Baby Puzzle range of animals are of high quality and specially designed for children

Baby Puzzle – Insects

Made from 4 mm cardboard, the Baby Puzzle range of animals are of high quality and specially designed for children

Baby Puzzle – Vehicule

Vehiculele din gama Baby Puzzle sunt special create pentru cei mici cu vârsta peste 2 ani. Jocurile puzzle dezvoltă abilitățile


Colourful frogs are full of energy! They’ve warmed up their muscles and now they’re ready to compete! Who can jump

Buboo Game – Discover the Human Body

Sometimes children’s curiosity about the human body can make adults uneasy. What does the spleen look like? How do the

Buboo Game – Learning the Alphabet

A, B, C, D… that’s how curious little ones begin to discover the world. Letter by letter and word by

Buboo Game – Numbers

Come and play with Buboo the Owl who has prepared playful and practical challenges with numbers and mathematical operations! Buboo

Buggy Boogie Game

Ladybug, bee, worm and beetle have a great time with Buggy Boogie! Now they help you learn maths in a

Cărți de Joc – Bridge/Canasta – Carton

Acest set adresat adulților include două pachete de cărți de joc din hârtie de calitate superioară (2×55 cărți de joc),

Cărți de Joc – Dublu sau nimic

Cărți de joc de calitate superioară din hârtie. Pachetul conține 32 cărți de joc cu animăluțe.

Cat and Mouse Game

How many goodies Grandma’s pantry hides for her greedy grandchildren! Even mice can’t resist the delicious snacks on the shelves.

Chess Game

Did you know that chess is one of the oldest games to have survived through time to the present day?