Showing 1–12 of 22 results

BINGO BUBOO Numerele – Braille

Descoperă Bingo Buboo – un joc incluziv special creat pentru a oferi o experiență grozavă de învățare prin joacă, accesibil

Toma Pan – Joc pentru dezvoltarea vocabularului

Descoperă noul Tomapan – jocul îndrăgit al copilăriei noastre, disponibil acum într-o cutie cu design nou și o formă ingenioasă

Buboo Game – Discover the Human Body

Sometimes children’s curiosity about the human body can make adults uneasy. What does the spleen look like? How do the

Buboo Game – Healthy Eating

Prepare delicious meals with Buboo the Owl to feel full of energy and vitality! With Buboo – Healthy Eating, Owl

Buboo Game – Learning the Alphabet

A, B, C, D… that’s how curious little ones begin to discover the world. Letter by letter and word by

Buboo Game – Numbers

Come and play with Buboo the Owl who has prepared playful and practical challenges with numbers and mathematical operations! Buboo

Buggy Boogie Game

Ladybug, bee, worm and beetle have a great time with Buggy Boogie! Now they help you learn maths in a

Cameleon – Joc tip Quiz, Joc românesc de societate

Un joc de societate tip QUIZ pentru 2-6 de jucători, care dezvoltă gândirea logică și strategică, cunoștințele generale. Conținut: 1

Educational Game – Domino Plus – Fairy Tales

A domino game with 28 double-sided cardboard pieces, one with classic polka dots, the other depicting scenes from fairy tales.

Enchanted Tree Game

The Enchanted Tree is a great game about different species of animals, plants and the protection of the planet’s resources.