Learning Game – The Clock

Children can now learn how the analogue clock works with this educational and interactive game that develops observation, attention and

Learning Game – The Singing Game

Children can playfully learn to calculate and balance the scales by adding and removing different weights. The game contains a

Learning Game – Wild and Domestic Animals – Small Box

With the Let’s Learn games, children can learn the basics through play, discovering the correct combinations of puzzle pieces. The

Let’s learn the Numbers

An instructive, engaging and fun toy that stimulates identification skills and associative thinking, while developing logic and insight as children

Romanian Game – Alphabet Zoo

Learn the alphabet with this wonderful game showing different animals ‘in motion’, whose names in Romanian start with the letters

Să învățăm alfabetul – Joc educativ – puzzle 42 piese

Jocul Să învățăm alfabetul este o modalitate excelentă pentru copiii să se familiarizeze cu literele. Jocul cuprinde 42 de piese,

Să Învățăm Alfabetul – Joc educativ – Puzzle 42 piese

Îți dorești pentru copilul tău jocuri care să îl învețe, nu doar să-l țină ocupat? Alege pentru el Să Învățăm

Să învățăm jocul cântarului – Joc educativ

Copiii pot învăţa prin joacă să calculeze şi să echilibreze cântarul prin adăugarea şi retragerea diferitelor greutăți. Jocul conține un

The Enchanted Pencil Game – Let’s Learn Numbers

An educational game with beautiful illustrations that stimulates thinking and imagination, captures attention and develops observation skills. With the Numbers

The Happy Little Elephant Game – Animal World

The Happy Little Elephant is a new interactive-educational game with engaging illustrations that stimulate associative thinking and imagination. With the

The Merry Little Elephant Game – A Walk in Nature

The Happy Little Elephant is a new interactive-educational game with engaging illustrations that stimulate associative thinking and imagination. With the

The Merry Little Elephant Game – Culinary Adventures

The Happy Little Elephant is a new interactive-educational game with engaging illustrations that stimulate associative thinking and imagination. The “Culinary