Showing 181–192 of 204 results

Super Puzzle Kids 60 pieces – Fairy tales – Ugly Duckling

Why was she so different from the other ducks? I wonder how Ugly Duckling feels when the other newbies laugh

Super Puzzle Kids 60 pieces – The Twopenny Bag

Cucurigu, you big lords, give me your two-bit bag! If you like classic stories too, then “The Twopenny Bag” is

Super Puzzle Map of Europe – Kids Puzzle, 240 pieces

A 240-piece educational puzzle, depicting the map of Europe, for children who like to study geography, want to learn about

Super Puzzle Motanul Încălțat – puzzle copii, 35 piese

Cum a ajuns Motanul să aibă cizmulițe? Prin ce peripeții trece renumitul pisoi ca să-și ajute stăpânul? Alegeți un mod

Super Puzzle Pinocchio – Kids jigsaw puzzle, 35 pieces

What makes Pinocchio so special? What invaluable lesson do children learn when they hear the story of the little wooden

Talented Bears Game

Talented Bears is a super cute board game with cute figurines. The teddy bears are heading to different destinations with

Tangram Game

An old Chinese puzzle game with a simple structure of 7 pieces: 3 triangles, a square and a parallelogram, to

The Enchanted Pencil Game – Let’s Learn Numbers

An educational game with beautiful illustrations that stimulates thinking and imagination, captures attention and develops observation skills. With the Numbers

The Merry Little Elephant Game – A Walk in Nature

The Happy Little Elephant is a new interactive-educational game with engaging illustrations that stimulate associative thinking and imagination. With the

The Merry Little Elephant Game – Culinary Adventures

The Happy Little Elephant is a new interactive-educational game with engaging illustrations that stimulate associative thinking and imagination. The “Culinary

The Numbers Game – Classic

Play is the simplest and most effective way for young children to learn basic concepts and exciting information. Play, in